My Plan For Boosting My PFT Score

The most obvious reason that I was not selected for Officer Candidate School (OCS) by the August selection board was that my Physical Fitness Test (PFT) score was 20 points below other applicants' scores. That is easy to fix. This post reveals the detailed plan I have designed to boost my PFT score so that it won't be a reason to pass over me when the November board meets to make selections for the January class. In short: disciplined daily routines and measurable milestones.

Also mentioned are some other things my Officer Selection Officer (OSO) told me that encourage me in my efforts to become an officer of Marines and, finally, some lessons I have learned about myself.


Not Selected for OCS

I was not selected for the October 2011 Officer Candidate Course.


Waiting for Selection Results

This post provides a status update regarding my application to OCS. It does not provide all the details of the day I signed my contract as I had hoped to document. (Life has a way of moving too quickly to write everything down sometimes.)