• U.S. citizen;
• 18 to 28 years old, though exceptions may be considered;
• College senior or graduate from a four-year college or university.
Obviously, the first two were taken care of, and now the last one is, too!

Obviously, the first two were taken care of, and now the last one is, too!
And, of course, since I will be joining to be a pilot, there are additional requirements for that, as well (same source as above).
OCC Aviation Additional Requirements
To qualify, you must be no more than 28 years old when commissioned. You must pass the Navy/Marine Corps Aviation Selection Test Battery (ASTB), be medically qualified for flight training and meet minimum vision requirements.
It's been over a year since I had the PRK procedure to fix my eyesight, and I'm pleased to say that I'm not having any problems with them. Furthermore, I've already taken the ASTB and passed it with flying colors... yes, the pun was intended.
So at this point, all that remains is to be physically fit enough to enter the Marine Corps and to pass the flight physical. My next post will talk about that.
Caleb, out.
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