While I was still finishing my degree, I tried for a while to keep up with that Pre-OCS plan I posted about, but it only lasted about a month. Granted, I made some progress in that month, but not enough. My intermediate fitness goal ended up being "don't let it get too bad." And in that, I think I succeeded: I was able to keep my weight below 200 pounds. But now, it's time to get serious.
As is typical of people who start workout plans, I thought I should take some before pics. After all, I plan to never look like this again ;) They're actually a bit embarrassing. At this point, I'm glad not very many people follow this blog.

I don't have a specific workout plan figured out, yet. What I wanted to do is ride my bike to campus, work out — lift weights mostly, maybe swim — at the SRC in the morning before work, shower at the SRC, then work at the Helpdesk, and after work, change clothes back and ride to the house. Once back, I'd probably go for a run. Unfortunately, the SRC doesn't open until 8 JUNE, so I couldn't do that plan yet. Worse yet, even after the SRC opens, the weight room will only be open early enough for my plan on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Disappointing. At any rate, the revised plan I use will involve a combination of riding to campus, lifting weights, pushups and crunches, and running and jogging around the neighborhood.
Caleb, out.
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