Soft Wings

Upon completion of the last flight in the Advanced Undergraduate Military Flight Officer syllabus at VT-86, students are presented with their soft wings.

Today I earned mine.

Students greet newly complete students on the flight line with a bucket of ice water and champagne while the instructor awards the soft wings.

My lovely wife was able to join me today.
(click to enlarge)

Soft wings are only worn on the flight suit and jackets. The formal winging ceremony will be next week, Friday, 19 December, and only after that ceremony will I rate to wear the famous wings of gold on other uniforms.


My wife deserves a ton of thanks for all the support she has given me over the last two years, even before we married, while I've been working towards this milestone. So, "Thank you, honey!"

I also want to thank my friends and family who have expressed their support over the years and have been lifting me and my wife up in prayer. God has richly blessed us, and we are both grateful!


  1. I have been following your progress...congratulations on your wings. Did you select yet, or is that still to come?

  2. As a parent of a new 2nd Lt currently in TBS, I appreciate the information about your path. What happens during all the breaks and waiting periods? Where do you live and what do you do?

  3. Hey Caleb, I'd like to talk to you about NFO life. email me at jcplatis@gmail.com at your earliest convenience.

  4. Congratulations to you. This has helped me follow what my son is doing as a Marine. Flight Suit Friday for him was yesterday at NAS Pensacola. Safe flights!

  5. Any updates on life today? Currently shipping off to OCC 226 next month with an air contract. Thanks!

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