Waiting for Selection Results

This post provides a status update regarding my application to OCS. It does not provide all the details of the day I signed my contract as I had hoped to document. (Life has a way of moving too quickly to write everything down sometimes.)

On 18 May 2011, I went to the Officer Selection Station in Indianapolis where I ran a 252 PFT, signed my contract, and took the oath of enlistment.

On 18 July, I ran another PFT in an attempt to boost my score before the application was due, but it dropped to 239, so the 252 remained. Captain Kline, my OSO, recognized that the main issue was that I need to be physically stronger (scored perfect on crunches, and he said my run time was fine), so he gave me a 5-day "split" workout to help with that.

On Friday, 5 August, I received a call from Captain Kline saying that the Selection Board had met and made the selections, but the results are not out yet. He gave me a 40% of selection. There had been over 20 slots for aviation with only a few more applicants than that, and OSO felt good about me being selected. Then just before the applications were due, the air slots were cut to only 12. He heard that I was about 20 points on the PFT below the other applicants (read as, "only 2 pull ups below"), so he isn't so sure now.

If I am selected, I will attend OCS 7 October through 16 December. Otherwise, I'll boost my PFT score and try again for the January 2012 class, for which the selection board meets in November.

My OSO will call me as soon as he knows more, and I'm hoping I will hear from him this week.

- Posted from my iPhone

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