12 Hours and counting!
This blog documents my path from college student to Naval Flight Officer in the United States Marine Corps. It is my hope that others may find the information here helpful in their efforts to be Marines, Marine Officers, and Marine Aviators. No further updates will be published, though I may review comments from time to time.
Counting Down The Days!
Evaluations Are Complete!
Winding Down.
The candidates were instructed to "buy a couple of books" for their use during this final week.
Yes, he is very, very close now. So close, infact, that those still standing (about 170 of the original 220) have ordered their "uniforms" and all that goes with them. I am not sure all that goes with them, but the price tag came to almost $3000! I told Caleb it was a good thing he got paid while at OCS so that he would have money to buy his "uniforms"! The candidates still have at least three PT events to complete this week, along with some classroom discussions. They must also plan their graduation parade and practice, practice, practice. (Caleb is in the third platoon and will be in the first line of that platoon nearest the bleachers.)
There is still time to decide to attend graduation (starts exactly at 9 am on 31 March) and commissioning (starts 1 PM, the same day). We are a group of 17 now, including family and friends, who will be a witness to this historic event.
We have traveled with him for quite some time now. His dad always told him that he could do anything that he put his mind to. I always told him that I didn't think he would achieve this dream. You see, way back when, I would occasionally ask him if he had filled out his application. His answer would be, not yet. But, I am his mom. Mom's like to keep their kids out of harms way, if at all possible. What I told Caleb was, I support you and I will help you achieve this dream. If you believe that this is what God wants you to do, then I am all for it! We have always taught our children that God can not lead a stationary object. Move towards what you want to do and what you believe God wants you to do and He will open and close doors. This door continues to be open. God has used many to guide Caleb. He idolized his National Guard brother, Josh. Many years later, his OSO, Capt. Kline, saw potential in Caleb and worked with him guiding him through the selection process. Caleb has worked with great diligence to complete this course of study, which, by the way is just the beginning.
Caleb will assist his OSO in the Indy office until he enters The Basic School (TBS) in Quantico, VA for six months beginning 5 June 2012. After successful completion of this course, he will head to Pensacola for three years of flight school.
Many thanks for your thoughts and prayers during the past 9 weeks. God and the Marines are not finished with him yet!
7 Down, 3 To Go!
Conversation With Caleb!
Graduation Is a Comin'! Prayers Appreciated!
"Experience a Marine Officer graduation! You are all invited to my graduation 31 March. No limit on guests; no RSVP necessary." ~Caleb
What: Graduation Parade/Graduation for Company C
When: 31 March 2012, 9:00 a.m., you will want to be in your bleacher seats well ahead of that! This will last about one hour.
Venue: Outdoors at Brown Field, Officer Candidate School, Marine Corps Base, Quantico, VA
What: Commissioning Ceremony
When: 31 March 2012, 1:00 p.m.
Venue: National Museum of the Marine Corps, Marine Corps Base, Quantico, VA, limited seating, but standing room for
If you are planning on coming/going please see additional information at the link:
Spring break? Why not incorporate this activity with your break? Cherry blossom season is in full swing in DC as well!
Upcoming Week (Week 8) Activities
Briefly, more written exams, evaluations on their combat fitness, endurance course a 9 mile hike and leadership.Week 9 Activities
Briefly, final PFT, 12 mile hike with full combat gear...not done yet!
Week 10 Activities
Briefly, more physical stuff, uniform fitting, signing papers, family day, graduation day
Many have gone before and accomplished all this. Once again, thank you for your thoughts and your prayers. Please keep these qualities in your prayers... endurance, stamina, stamina, stamina, health (Caleb is on the mend and doing better.), positive attitude resilience, physical and mental courage!
Code of Conduct
This Weeks Realization
Caleb has recently come to understand some things. Just before he left for OCS in January he expressed that he had, for many years, longed to be a Marine Officer. At Wayne's birthday dinner, which was also Caleb's farewell dinner, Caleb expressed to us that he not only wanted to be a Marine Officer but he wanted to be a Christian Marine Officer, a spiritual military leader. He wanted it to begin at OCS. He didn't know how it would happen, but he asked us to pray specifically for that.
Last evening as I talked to Caleb, he shared another new realization. Pilots are often captured and tortured after being shot down over enemy territory. It is part of the life of a pilot or flight officer. Marine Officers must always conform Marine Code of Conduct, though, so he wanted me to share the Code with you.
Article I.
I am an American fighting in the forces which guard my country and our
way of life. I am prepared to give my life in their defense.
Article II.
I will never surrender of my own free will. If in command, I will
never surrender the members of my command while they still have the
means to resist.
Article III.
If I am captured I will continue to resist by all means available. I
will make every effort to escape and aid others to escape. I will
accept neither parole nor special favors from the enemy.
Article IV.
If I become a prisoner of war, I will keep faith with my fellow
prisoners. I will give no information nor take part in any action
which might be harmful to my comrades. If I am senior, I will take
command. If not I will obey the lawful orders of those appointed over
me and will back them up in every way.
Article V.
When questioned, should I become a prisoner of war, I am required to
give name, rank, service number, and date of birth. I will evade
answering further questions to the utmost of my ability. I will make
no oral or written statements disloyal to my country and its allies or
harmful to their cause.
Article VI.
I will never forget that I am an American, fighting for freedom,
responsible for my actions, and dedicated to the principles which made
my country free. I will trust in my God and in the United States of
May we all be loyal Americans! Never forget 9/11/2001. 12/7/1941 and 7/4/1776! God Bless the U. S. A
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